This blog is all about how Jim and I lose weight together. It ain't gonna be easy, but we're finally ready to get started! Join us!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Well it's not the gold, but I'll take silver!

I weighed in yesterday and I'm down to 293.2 pounds. That's a 3.8 pound loss! I really expected/wanted 5 pounds or more because I'm starting at such a huge number, but it's much better than the .4 pounds I saw just a few days ago, so I'll take it! It's not the gold medal I was expecting, but it's the silver and I'm proud of my silver!

My goals this past week were to track every calorie and to be under my daily calorie allowance, and to work out at least 5 times. I accomplished the first, but not the second goal. Not bad. Again, it's the silver and not the gold, but I'll take it! It's still a positive direction. The last couple days I've wanted to binge eat just because, for no real reason other than that's what I normally do, BUT I DIDN'T!!! THAT is why I'm so very proud of myself! It's been hard not to just eat a little more or snack a little more, but I didn't! I used moderation and motivated myself to keep on track! YAY me!!

We're not sure where Jim is because our scale only goes to 400lbs, but he's tracked his calories, stayed under his allowance, worked out a few times, and basically given up all carbonated drinks (which is HUGE for him)! His triumph this week is that he was able to put on his wedding ring again. He hasn't been able to do that in a long time. YAY him!


  1. those are HUGE accomplishments for both you AND Jim! Congrats!!!
    keep up the good work & i'm sure next week will be just as great!

  2. You guys are doing so awesome!! I thing those are huge accomplishments. Way to go!!

  3. Great job guys!!! (This is RubyRedSparkles) Keep it up, it sounds like you are already having great results!
