This blog is all about how Jim and I lose weight together. It ain't gonna be easy, but we're finally ready to get started! Join us!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Confession time...

So last Saturday evening Jim and I got the boys together and went grocery shopping for the next week. We got ALL good foods and it's ALL fresh foods. YAY us. Well, when we got home I was cleaning out the fridge and came across all kinds of junk food left over from the holidays and bottles of sparkling cidar and all kinds of goodies we have been avoiding. I couldn't give it away, it was all opened and partly eaten, so Jim and I decided to derail for a couple days and eat up all the crap. So from Saturday night through last night (Monday night) we ate all the junk we could to get rid of all of it. It sounds terrible, I know, but we learned some valuable lessons! We learned 2 things:

1. It's not as much fun as we thought it would be. We're fatties, we love to pig out, but it wasn't any fun. We kept asking the other what do you want to eat because neither of us wanted to eat anymore junk.

2. We CRAVED good food ALL weekend long! And our bodies did not react well going back to junk food after only eating decently healthy for a week before hand. That was so surprising to both of us. We are both excited and relieved to get back on track today!

So even though we "cheated" over the weekend. I'm so glad we did because we learned some really good lessons about ourselves. Just another step on our road to wellness.


  1. I totally did that before I started and it did suck! Then this weekend I had ranch on something and it was just not as good as it used to be! Boo! I'm glad you got to find that out. It's good to know our bodies really do tell us what they really need and not just what we think we want. Yay for awesome groceries!!

  2. that is awesome that you craved the healthy stuff, that is a MAJOR step in the right direction!!!
    and if you look at some of my old blog posts (from summer 2010) you'll see that i did something similar. it was NOT pretty or fun. :(
    love the lessons learned and YAY for progress!!!

  3. Exactly! Yay for progress! I was just shocked out bodies were sick of junk food so quickly. That's was an awesome feeling!
