This blog is all about how Jim and I lose weight together. It ain't gonna be easy, but we're finally ready to get started! Join us!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ok, here we go!

We figured we're ready to put this out for the world to see, so that hopefully it will encourage us to put our forks down and get to work! We're so happy and content with each other that we are no longer just visiting Fatty Town, but we own Fatty Town!

Jim wants to lose around 200 lbs, and I want to lose 125 lbs. It's not pretty, and it terrifies me that I admitted how much I want to lose on the world wide web, but something has to be done. Please watch and encourage our progression because we'll need all the support we can get!

Our method? Good ole' hard work in the gym and eating more nutritiously. We'll try to do weekly updates and blogs, and even Jim will contribute with his thoughts and ideas.

So here we go...!


  1. Hi Raylene! Congrats on getting started! for me, that is the hardest step, the first one. :)
    i'm excited to see how you & Jim do! i might convince my hubby to get in on this too! (he's working on losing some weight/getting healthier but i don't know if he's ready for internet "fame" lol)

  2. Yay! You can do it and it's so great to see you guys working together! Good luck! I'll be watching every step of the way!

  3. Yay for getting started!! It's awesome that you guys are doing this together. YOU CAN DO IT!! :D

  4. Thanks you guys! I logged on today to add some more blogs to our list and I was surprised to find comments. It totally made me day!!
