This blog is all about how Jim and I lose weight together. It ain't gonna be easy, but we're finally ready to get started! Join us!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

We do clean up decently...

So, Jim's before pictures aren't that bad, but I look a little too much like a "sweet spirit" in my before pictures, so I wanted to add a few pics of us during our honeymoon at Carlsbad Caverns because that's where we want to get back to for starters.

Here's a couple individual, Jim's is a little dark. We were showing our difference in sizes in this small entrance. He's about a foot taller than me.

And a couple together


  1. You two are so cute :) I love the pics :)You can totally get back to that!

  2. i agree, you too are adorable! those pictures showing the height difference are funny. i need to take pictures like that sometime so Mark can actually see our height difference. he's so silly he thinks i'm like 4" taller than i am!
    and Maggie's right about getting back there, you CAN do it!!! :)
